How do you decide when you have too many options?
Life can take us wherever we want it to take us. Life can also take us wherever it thinks is best for us. Both are valid options that yield different results. The idea of being a “master of your fate” is tricky. You can write the goals, dreams, and aspirations and somehow, everything won’t align– at least in the beginning. We can’t expect overnight success– overnight. It happens when we respond to the changes in our life with respect, grit and adaptability.
Plainly stated, when we do our part, everything will work regardless of WHEN it will work.
Throughout my life, I’ve seen a few things. Remembered some and forgot others. However, I’ve always found my way past my peak. Always seeking ways to improve myself, my family, and anyone I connect with. Riding The Wind is a series of essays that catalog my process in regard to some important decisions I’ve made in my life. Some were easier than others but regardless of my choice, I gained necessary insight and an experience that I needed… for the most part.
These essays are meant to help people, young, seasoned, and wandering, to find a light along the dark misty roads I trekked to find the joy in my journey.